Planning Timeline
Fall: Mrs. Cunningham meets with all freshmen to review the Linsly transcript, graduation requirements and the importance of class selection and extracurricular involvement as an upper school student.
January: Prefects discuss the importance of GPA, SATs and extra curricular activities.
March: Administration of the Stanford Achievement Tests.
April: Selection of courses for next year and discussion of graduation requirements.
September: Distribution of PSAT prep booklets to all sophomores through English teachers.
October: Take the PSAT for SAT preparation.
December: PSAT results and test booklets sent home. On line review of answers encouraged.
April/March: Discussion of registration for junior year courses with each academic department represented. Mrs. Cunningham visits sophomore English classes to discuss standardized testing opportunities and introduce Naviance. Instruction on searching for colleges and scholarships, resume building, career searches and test prep are all covered in the introduction to Naviance. Administration of the Stanford Achievement Test
May/June: SAT testing opportunities for students who want to get an idea of where they will score and what areas may need more attention over the course of the next school year.
Fall: As one of the top Wheeling private schools, students are encouraged to sit with college admission representatives during their visit to Linsly. College visitor arrangements are listed in Naviance and the students can view the visit list and sign up for the presentation through their Naviance account.
Review the standardized testing dates/deadlines for the year and also recap the uses of Naviance, especially PrepMe SAT. At this time, juniors are encouraged to begin building their college lists in Naviance.
Students attend a college fair sponsored by the Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce. The college fair gives the students exposure to many different colleges/universities.
Distribution of PSAT prep booklets to all Juniors through English teachers.
October: The PSAT is given to all juniors. The junior year PSAT results are used for National Merit Scholarship consideration.
December: PSAT results, test booklets and helpful handouts sent home to families encouraging on-line review of results to prepare for future SAT testing.
January: Visit Junior English classes to review steps in the college search process and the use of Naviance and encourage college visit planning.
February: Each junior schedules an individual meeting to discuss the college search with Mrs. Cunningham during a free period, flex or after school.
Two evening meetings are held for parents to review the college search and selection process, the senior timeline and introduce Naviance and distribute parent log in information. Including in the letter invite to the junior parents is information on standardized testing and on the National College Fair that is held in Pittsburgh. Families are encouraged to attend the college fair for the evening portion offered.
March: Families are encouraged to visit colleges over Spring Break. SATs are administered both at this time and again in May and June.
April: Meeting with junior class prior to Easter break for discussion on general college search topics such as: application types and procedures, scholarships, testing, visiting campuses, teacher recommendations, etc. A personality/career assessment through Naviance is administered. Instruction is given on things to do prior to summer vacation and over the summer to be ready for the Fall application season. During this meeting the juniors will also discuss class registration with representatives from all academic departments. All students are encouraged to sign up for the Economics/Senior seminar class. One day a week of this class is dedicated to college process information.
May: Advanced Placement exams are administered. Linsly exams
June: The last SAT test date option, of the school year, or SAT subject tests for students considering application to more selective colleges.
Fall: Students set up individual meetings with Mrs. Cunningham to discuss updates in college search, summer visits, early decision, etc… In addition to individual meetings, the students will meet in larger groups during economics/senior seminar once a week to review college deadlines and application procedures.
Students should attend meetings with college admission representatives during visits to Linsly.
Students attend a college fair sponsored by the Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce. The college fair gives the students exposure to many different colleges/universities.
October: Seniors take the SAT this month and/or in November and December and have their scores sent to college choices and the NCAA clearinghouse.
Financial aid night held for parents with a speaker from a local college financial aid office. The FAFSA is available to be filed beginning October 1.
Early decision/action applications should be completed in order to meet November deadlines.
Senior parents are invited to attend one of two College Coffee hours hosted in Dlesk to update families on where the seniors should be in the college process and review the timeline for the 1st semester.
November: Thanksgiving vacation is the deadline for all applications to completed and submitted and transcript requests to Mrs. Cunningham.
December: Retake SAT I or II exams if necessary.
January: Mid year reports/transcripts are sent to all colleges with 1st semester grades.
February/March: Evaluation of college acceptances and scholarship offers.
Outside scholarship information available from Mrs. Cunningham or on designated websites. A complete list is on Naviance.
April: Additional visits to colleges to help determine choice of where to attend.
Final college decisions with deposits sent out by May 1st.
May: Advanced Placement Exams
Notification to accepted colleges of your decision.
Thank you notes to scholarship committees for any additional awards you received.
June-August: Relax and enjoy yourself before you begin your next journey!