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College Counseling

Finding the best college or university to match each individual student’s needs and interests is the ambition of the college counseling office.

Mrs. Penny Cunningham, the Director of College Counseling, conducts a comprehensive program with the students throughout their upper school careers. She advises them on the college search process, financial aid, testing, and the college application and selection process.  

In addition to individual meetings with students and parents, a major part of our college admissions assistance is college counseling which is done in conjunction with the Naviance Family Connection program.  This web-based program allows students to research colleges and scholarships, practice for standardized testing, and experience a personality assessment that ties to an extensive career listing and much more.  Students receive login information for the Naviance program in their freshman year during leadership classes and begin meeting with Mrs. Cunningham regularly during their junior year. 
Preparing Students for Success in College and BeyondThe culmination of the college counseling process takes place during the senior year when seniors meet regularly with Mrs. Cunningham throughout the fall.  This is a terrific opportunity for the seniors to work in small groups on specific college-related topics, to have hands-on work time for college applications, and to ask any questions about the process.

Overall, the college search and selection process at Linsly is very personalized.  The combination of Mrs. Cunningham, the Linsly faculty, and the Naviance Program empowers the students with the understanding of their academic and personal priorities when selecting an institution of higher learning.

Recently graduated seniors have been enrolled at many extraordinary colleges and universities.


Penny Cunningham

Director of College Counseling

Chris Lofstead

Our recent graduates have attended the following schools: