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Academic Support


The Aviator Program

The Aviator Program is a supplementary educational option available to Linsly students during school hours in replace of a regularly scheduled Study Hall.  Students are admitted to the program where they attend a structured learning environment that is designed to individualize learning to aid success.

Students work with the Program Director to ensure accuracy and maximum productivity. Those enrolled in the Aviator Program will focus on organization, time management, study skills, note taking, and independence and work towards becoming independent learners. Students also work on scheduling times with their teachers to allow for even more in-depth individualized instruction and have access to junior and senior prefect tutors.

Within the Aviator Program, students are also able to register for SAT/ACT prep classes using the Naviance PrepMe Program that Linsly offers to students. Students spend time in the Aviator Program for four weeks before their registered test date and complete the SAT Diagnostic Test and spend their class period going through the interactive practice work. Seniors and juniors are available to register, however, seats are limited and seniors will receive first priority.

Student enrollment is determined by teacher recommendations, class failures, and the decision of the Aviator Program Director.

Mrs. Amy Dlesk
304-233-3260 Ext: 108


Peer Tutoring

Extra help in class work is available, and students are encouraged to seek this help. Teachers are available for extra help before and after school or during a mutually agreed period. When required, extra help takes precedence over other activities. Students on Deficiency List are required to have extra help.

Junior and Senior Prefects, as well as other qualified upperclassmen, serve as tutors to supplement extra academic help administered by faculty. This program is supervised by the Deans.

The Middle School peer tutoring program gives 5th-8th grade students extra opportunities to practice particular skills in any subject area necessary. The student, the teacher, or the parent may make referrals to the program. When referring a student, simply email Mrs. Loudermilk at to get things started. The child will meet individually with an older student from our school who is trained as a tutor.

After Hours Learning Center

This support option is available to boarding school students in place of their regular evening study hall.  The objective of the After Hours Learning Center (AHLC) is to provide students additional support for study skills and academic work, and also to help them structure their study hall time. 

At 7:30 PM, students go to the library where they report all of their work to the teacher/proctor who tracks it in a notebook.  As one of the top Wheeling private schools, students are expected to keep track of their assignments in a daily planner throughout the day to help make this reporting easier.  The instructor will make sure the student remains on task, and also assist the student in a number of possible areas (whether it is setting time management goals to stay on track, quizzing them on vocabulary terms, or reading through an essay to offer feedback).  Middle school students work until 9:00 PM and upper school students until 9:30 PM, which is consistent with the boarding school department guidelines.

The Advisor Period

“ My advisor really seems to know me, and his advice is pretty insightful. I feel very comfortable talking things over with him. ”

"Every day when I come to school, I know that my advisor is here and I know that it's time when some of my peers and I can come together and learn more about each other and the different aspects of our school life."

"When I first started at Linsly, I had trouble organizing my time. My advisor looked at my schedule and she helped me see how I could balance my time between sports, homework, and clubs."

"A lot of times in advisor period, my advisor makes plans with us for an evening trip to a local restaurant known for its hot wings. We all go in the school van and have a great time!"

Linsly's Advisory Program provides guidance from the faculty members in both academic and personal matters.

Students meet daily for at least ten minutes of the academic day with other advisees. Thirty more minutes will be spent with the group, or some students will attend club meetings during our "A-Block." While this is an ideal time for group discussions, students may call upon their faculty advisor for help or advice whenever needed.

The average advisor group consists of ten students. Middle school students and all new students are assigned advisors, and returning upper school students choose their advisors at the end of every year. The advisor becomes the student's close personal contact with the school, and advisors are available to offer assistance in all areas of a student's life.

The Advisory Program allows a small group of students and a faculty mentor to get to know one another personally outside of the academic environment.


Advisor period is a great part of the school day. You see your friends and have a lot of fun. Your advisor group is like your school family.